Home Carbon News Carbon Tax Being Discussed in the United States

Carbon Tax Being Discussed in the United States

Carbon Tax Being Discussed in the United States

Democratic Senator Ben Cardin from Maryland stated there is support in the Senate to institute a carbon tax. The discussions come as the EU and China have already implemented measures to curb carbon emissions

With the Glasgow Climate Change Conference is coming up in November, the U.S. has yet to announce in what direction they will move to reduce carbon emissions.

The recent report from the IPCC has concerned world leaders. Global temperature levels are increasing far quicker than expected. The limit of 1.5 degrees Celsius above pre-industrial levels is close.

The report stated if immediate action is not taken, then temperature levels will rise above what is required for normal weather.

A carbon tax would increase taxes on businesses and industries which pollute the most. Specifically, in terms of carbon emissions. This would include increasing gasoline and natural gas prices in households.

The white house has previously mentioned it is leaning towards implementing clean electricity throughout the states, rather than a carbon tax. But the impending danger of climate change may implore President Biden to create many facets to reducing carbon emissions.

Currently, Democrats have introduced laws requiring fossil fuel producers to pay into a climate fund related to the number of emissions produced.

The U.S. is the second largest emitter of carbon emissions in the world currently. Important decisions await President Biden as the climate crisis grows.