Home Carbon News Low-Carbon Hydrogen Not Seen as Fuel Alternative

Low-Carbon Hydrogen Not Seen as Fuel Alternative

Low-Carbon Hydrogen Not Seen as Fuel Alternative

Low-carbon hydrogen production has been labelled as a poor method to alternative fuels.

The World Energy Council has released a report which doubted the ability for low-carbon hydrogen to be “cost competitive with other energy supplies”. The report also mentioned that without major financial support, it would be difficult to make low-carbon hydrogen cost competitive.

The report however did mention that low-carbon hydrogen is a growing sector and has yet to fulfill its potential. Projects all over the world are in construction at release time of the report.

Hydrogen cars are less of an idea now and are becoming a reality. As such, creating hydrogen while producing low fuel emissions could thrust hydrogen into being the fuel source of the future.

Currently, the price of renewable hydrogen is too expensive to be prominent. The U.S. did begin an initiative to reduce prices of renewable hydrogen around 80%, from about $5 to 1$ per kilogram. But this initiative aims to complete this objective within a decade. This means low-carbon hydrogen will not be a proper solution to climate change until at least 2030, by which time the global temperature increase may have already passed the Paris Agreement’s goal of 1.5 degrees Celsius.

It remains to be seen whether hydrogen or electricity is chosen as the fuel method of the future. Low -carbon hydrogen would require significant contributions but stopping climate change will require every solution possible.