Home Carbon News AIG to Go Net Zero and Exit Coal / Oil Sands

AIG to Go Net Zero and Exit Coal / Oil Sands

AIG to Go Net Zero and Exit Coal / Oil Sands

American International Group Inc. (NYSE: AIG) is stepping up with its own net-zero pledge.

AIG has committed to reaching Net Zero GHG (Greenhouse Gas) emissions across its underwriting and investments portfolios by 2050.

They’ve announced that they’re not investing directly into or providing insurance for the construction of any new coal-fired power plants, thermal coal mines, or oil sands projects.

They have also taken it a step further and announced they are phasing out investing and insuring companies that get over 30% of their revenue from these industries.

The New York-based insurer is also halting investing and insuring all new Arctic energy exploration activities.

AIG has also committed to having 100% renewable energy for its operations by 2030.

The data about climate change is unambiguous and we believe that AIG can be a catalyst for positive change as it relates to sustainability advancements and renewable energy expansion.” AIG Chairman and CEO Peter Zaffino said in the statement.

Last year AIG had revenues of over $52 Billion.