Home Stock Watchlist CBON – Ninepoint Carbon Credit ETF

CBON – Ninepoint Carbon Credit ETF

CBON – Ninepoint Carbon Credit ETF


The Ninepoint Carbon Credit ETF (CBON) came in hot on the heels of the Horizon ETF (CARB), with the former launching on the NEO exchange just a week after the latter.

Similar to CARB, CBON’s holdings are comprised entirely of carbon allowance futures. Where they differ, however, is that CBON provides exposure to a mix of the three leading carbon emissions trading schemes:

  • The European EUAs,
  • The Californian CCAs, and
  • The RGGIs of the northeastern U.S. states.

This makes CBON more similar to the previously mentioned top U.S. carbon credit ETF KRBN, which also holds a mix of futures for all three types of carbon allowances.

Ninepoint is a leading alternative investment manager focused on the clean energy economy. With this Fund, investors can access the global emissions market, which is expected to grow significantly over the next couple of decades.

An orderly energy transition supports Canada’s long-term energy leadership and is supported by various incentives. The investment community is also contributing to the success of this transition.

For Canadian investors looking for something with more balanced exposure to the compliance carbon markets instead of just the E.U.’s Emissions Trading System like KRBN, CBON is a good choice.

  • In addition, CBON has a second, U.S. Dollar-denominated listing – CBON.U. This is the exact same product as CBON, just trading under U.S. Dollars instead of Canadian Dollars.

For those carbon conscious Canadian investors who already have investments or savings held in USD, choosing CBON.U instead can help eliminate the currency risk associated with making an investment in CBON.

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