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China to Make Disclosure of Carbon Emissions

China to Make Disclosure of Carbon Emissions

China intends to make climate and carbon emission information disclosure mandatory in the future. According to central bank Governor, Yi Gang, they have completed some trials with select commercial banks and publicly traded enterprises,

“Our goal is to make a uniformed disclosure standard, and in the future, we will go in the direction of mandatory disclosure of climate-related information,” Yi said during a panel discussion at the Bank for International Settlements’ Green Swan conference.

President Xi Jinping’s vow to make China carbon neutral by 2060 implies that the world’s most polluting country will need to undertake a dramatic transition away from fossil fuels and toward sustainable energy.

The People’s Bank of China (PBOC) is attempting to contribute to this transformation by creating green financing and tackling related financial concerns. According to Yi, the PBOC has undertaken stress tests to analyze climate risks and has offered policy incentives for banks to issue loans for green projects

It is also examining the impact of the economy’s shift to renewable energy on inflation projections, he added.

To reduce emissions, the government is going to require an estimated $343 Billion in annual investment by 2030, rising to over $600 Billion trillion yuan for the three decades running up to 2060.

Adapted from: https://www.bnnbloomberg.ca/china-to-make-climate-information-disclosure-mandatory-yi-says-1.1612748