Home Carbon News Climate Activists Target 30 Global Corps

Climate Activists Target 30 Global Corps

Climate Activists Target 30 Global Corps

Environmental group, Friends of the Earth, which won a landmark court case against Royal Dutch Shell last year, is targeting 30 other firms with operations based in the Netherlands.

Last May, they won a landmark victory over Shell and forced then to decrease its environmental impact.

This time around they want significant reductions in greenhouse gas emissions in these large organizations.

Letters were addressed to the CEOs of some of the largest banks, retailers, oil, energy giants, builders, and industrial manufacturers.

The letter requested the firms present plans describing how they will reduce carbon emissions by 45% from 2019 levels by 2030.

Failing to do so may result in legal action and they have set a 3-month deadline for the corporations to present a climate plan, which is due on April 15.

Firms include:

Insurer: Aegon, Atradius, NN Group, ING Group,

Industrials: AkzoNobel (Paint maker), BAM Group (Builder), Boskalis Westminster (Dredger), Vopak (Storage), Stellantis (automotive), Tata (Steel)

Oil firms: BP, ExxonMobil, Shell,

Chemical manufacturers: Dow Chemical, Yara chemical, LyondellBasell

Dairy, & Agriculture & Nutrition: Friesland, Campina, Vion, DSM

Aviation: KLM, Schiphol airport,

Banks & Pension funds: Rabobank, ABP, PfZW,

Conglomerates: Unilever

Energy & Trading: Uniper, RWE, Vitol energy,

“We have made it plain that, if necessary, we are willing to go to court. But, of course, we hope that these businesses will go on their own ” spokesperson for Friends of Earth stated

They will be used to establish an emissions baseline against which progress in reducing climate-heating gases can be monitored, according to the group.