Home DESG News Global Green and DevvStream Partner to Launch Inaugural U.S. Carbon Program to Advance Technological Solutions to Climate Change

Global Green and DevvStream Partner to Launch Inaugural U.S. Carbon Program to Advance Technological Solutions to Climate Change

Global Green and DevvStream Partner to Launch Inaugural U.S. Carbon Program to Advance Technological Solutions to Climate Change

DevvStream Holdings Inc. (“DevvStream” or the “Company”) (NEO:DESG), a leading carbon credit investment firm specializing in technology solutions, and Global Green, the American affiliate of Green Cross International (GCI), a global non-governmental organization founded by President Mikhail Gorbachev in 1993, are pleased to announce the launch of a U.S. Carbon Program (the “Program”).

The Program is designed to introduce advanced emissions-reducing technologies to Global Green’s extensive network of local and federal government organizations, Fortune 100 companies, academic institutions, and private foundations, while providing funding for sustainability initiatives, programs and projects through the use of carbon offset credits.

Carbon market investments have become a vital component of forward-thinking climate plans for both the public and private sector.

The global voluntary carbon market was valued at ~US $2B, in 2021 and is expected to grow 50x by 2030, while the compliance market grew from $305B in 2020 to $806B in 2021.

Carbon credits created via nature-based solutions (e.g., tree planting, agricultural projects, forestry protection) can only provide up to 20% of carbon emission reductions necessary to meet the world’s goals, while the other 80% will need to come from technology-based solutions (e.g., carbon removal, artificial carbon sequestration, and the replacement of current inefficient technologies).

As such, the Program relies exclusively on the generation of technology-based carbon credits, leveraging DevvStream’s expertise in compliance and voluntary markets, its advanced blockchain-based digital asset platform, and its curated ecosystem of technology partners.

Sunny Trinh, CEO of DevvStream stated:

“Federal and local governments, organizations in the private sector, and educational institutions can now leverage the financial power of global carbon markets as they work with Global Green to achieve their broader sustainability goals,”

“Our partnership with Global Green broadens our reach, while providing our affiliate network with new deployment opportunities for their world-changing technologies.”

CEO of Global Green, William Bridge stated:

“As the CEO of Global Green and the hopes for a brighter and greener future, I am thrilled to announce our partnership with DevvStream—a leading carbon credit investment firm specializing in technology solutions,”

“With the climate crisis at its breaking point and the need for a crucial and profound impact to change the direction in which it’s heading, partnering with DevvStream, who provides upfront capital for organizations such as ours in exchange for carbon credit rights, this couldn’t be more exciting. As a non-profit organization approaching our 30-year anniversary, Global Green are honored to be partnering with a groundbreaking organization like DevvStream, and we look forward to our future collaboration.”

Global Green is the American affiliate of Green Cross International (GCI), an international non- governmental organization founded by President Gorbachev in 1993 to foster a global value shift toward a sustainable and secure future. Green Cross International operates in over 30 countries and enjoys consultative status with the United Nations Economic and Social Council, and United Nations Educational, Scientific and Cultural Organization. GCI is an NGO, holding observer status with the United Nations Framework Convention on Climate Change and the Conference of the Parties to the UN Convention to Combat Desertification. It also cooperates directly with the UNEP/OCHA Environmental Emergencies Section, UN-HABITAT and other international organizations.

For nearly 30 years, Global Green has served as a recognized national leader in advancing smart solutions to climate change that improve lives and protect the planet. Programmatically, Global Green works to create green cities, neighborhoods, affordable housing, and schools to protect environmental health, improve livability, create sustainable communities, and support the planet’s natural systems. In service of its mission, Global Green has partnered with over 50 organizations including local and federal governments, Fortune 100 companies, academic institutions, international groups and private foundations. The Program will be an integral component of Global Green’s suite of offerings to its partners.

About Global Green

Global Green is the American affiliate of Green Cross International (GCI), an international non- governmental organization founded by President Gorbachev in 1993.

For nearly 30 years, Global Green has served as a recognized national leader in advancing smart solutions to climate change that improve lives and protect the planet, with the mission to foster a global value shift toward a sustainable and secure future.

Programmatically, Global Green works to create green cities, neighborhoods, affordable housing, and schools to protect environmental health, improve livability, create sustainable communities, and support the planet’s natural systems.

In service of its mission, Global Green has partnered with over 50 organizations including local and federal governments, Fortune 100 companies, academic institutions, international groups and private foundations.

About DevvStream

DevvStream is a technology-based ESG company that advances the development and monetization of environmental assets, with an initial focus on carbon markets.

We work with governments and corporations worldwide to achieve their sustainability goals through the implementation of curated green technology projects that generate renewable energy, improve energy efficiencies, eliminate or reduce emissions, and sequester carbon directly from the air—creating carbon credits in the process.

This enables us to provide non-dilutive capital directly to our clients while empowering them with field-proven, technology-based solutions to improve their climate impact quickly and simply.

To address common issues such as greenwashing and double-counting, all environmental assets created through our projects are managed via a proprietary blockchain-based ESG software platform, designed explicitly to ensure transparency and auditability, with full data provenance, which significantly increases asset value.

DevvStream’s business model includes mutual collaboration and partnership with Devvio, a leading ESG-focused blockchain company, and United Cities North America, an affiliate of the United Nations with a focus on building sustainable and net-zero smart cities and communities.

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