Home Carbon Markets “It’s Time for Humanity to Grow Up.” On Climate Change – Boris Johnson

“It’s Time for Humanity to Grow Up.” On Climate Change – Boris Johnson

“It’s Time for Humanity to Grow Up.” On Climate Change – Boris Johnson

In a speech given at the United Nations, UK Prime Minister Boris Johnson warned that temperatures would keep rising. He called fellow world leaders to tackle “coal, cars, cash, and trees” to limit global warming. Countries must take responsibility for “the destruction we are inflicting, not just upon our planet, but ourselves.”

The Prime Minister urged the world to listen to the warnings of scientists and make substantial changes by 2030. “It’s time for humanity to grow up.”

Johnson also said that the green movement and capitalism can work hand in hand. “…The way to fix the problem is through science and innovation, the breakthroughs and the investment made possible by capitalism and free markets.”

“We have the tools for a green industrial revolution but time is desperately short.”

The UN announced just last week that the world is in a ‘Code Red’ situation due to climate change, and world leaders have even recommitted to the Paris Agreement recognizing that they are behind on meeting goals. Even religious leaders have joined together to urge immediate action.

The global carbon market is poised to reach $22T by 2050 and is seen as a viable solution to offset emissions while sparking economic opportunity. Billions of dollars are being poured into technological advances as well. Plus, everyday people are trying to make more environmentally conscious decisions each day.

So, while it may feel as if a change isn’t happening, it is. It just isn’t happening fast enough.

On November 1st, the United Nations Climate Change Conference (COP26) will take place in Glasgow, Scotland, under the presidency of the United Kingdom. It will be interesting to see what will happen after that.