Home Carbon Credits NASDAQ’s Puro.earth Launch Carbon Registry

NASDAQ’s Puro.earth Launch Carbon Registry

NASDAQ’s Puro.earth Launch Carbon Registry

Puro.earth launched Puro Registry, a public registry dedicated to carbon removal and CO2 Removal Certificates (CORCs).

Puro.earth is a B2B marketplace, standard, and registry focused solely on verifiable carbon removal. The platform currently provides carbon removal services to some of the world’s leading corporations, including Shopify, Microsoft and others.

On the Puro Registry individuals can view CORCs that have been retired.

Retirement occurs when a beneficiary makes a net-zero or carbon neutrality claim that is supported by the CORCs’ carbon sequestration properties.

Carbon sequestration is when carbon has been captured from the atmosphere and stored in a durable carbon sink.

Marianne Tikkanen, Head of Carbon Removal Supply at Puro.earth commented:

The carbon market is evolving quickly, but it lacks transparency – which is paramount for trust”.

During the transition period from carbon offsets to removals, it is the media and the general public that will validate the truthfulness of corporate claims. Now you can go to registry.puro.earth and verify these claims for yourself by searching for corporates that have made carbon removal claims based on CORCs,”

Nasdaq last year announced it had acquired a majority stake in the company.